Miguel Rocha - Race 4!

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Miguel Rocha - Race 4!

Post by Miguel98 »

Hello. My name is Miguel António Oliveira Rocha, but most people call me "Rocha", or Miguel. I was born on the 23rd of June 1988, 17 year ago from this year. I'm still 16 though, since we're still in March 2005, 3 months away from my 17th birthday. If you haven't heard of me, here's my backstory: I was born to Carlos Rocha and Maria Oliveira, and I'm from Portugal, from Oporto. My dad worked at a company in Portugal, but when I was 3, he got hired as an assistant general manager at Lotto, in Belgium. My mom was a saleswomen, and worked in numerous shops around the city. My dad and her got divorced when I was 8 years old, and she got back to Portugal, and I stayed in Belgium with him until I was 11. It was there where everything began. My dad and his boss, when I was 7, entered a competition called "Rejects-1". When I went with them to the team's first race, and talked to the driver we had hired, Cam Maroon, he told me some things which made me smile. And after that day, I asked my dad for a go-kart. He bought me one when I turned 8, and in that year, Lotto closed its R-1 shop, and the series folded at the end of the year. Both things weren't related, but I heard my dad talk to our multiple drivers that year about sabbotage. My dad then turned his attention to my karting career. He took me to a local track, and made me drive a couple of laps around it, and noticed I had a really weird driving style, where I broke really early for corners, and then got great exit speeds. This costed me on lap time but after 30 laps, the tyres hadn't gotten lot of wear. This is where it all began. After 1 year of practice I entered a regional championship, and finished 2nd in the 4 races that we're run, winning the overall time. I entered my first national championship afterwards, and finished 12th in my first race. My dad by now had been promoted to chief of Lotto after the previous owner passed away, and he was putting money into my career.

Two years later, at 10 years old, I won a national championship race for the first time after 2 years of trying, and lots of podiums. But at the end of the year, things changed. My dad died in an amateur race, and I couldn't believe what was happening. I initially stayed at the new Lotto's owners house, but I couldn't drive anymore. I was too scared the same thing would happen to me. I drove one or two more races that year, and then decided to get back to Portugal, to my mum. In Portugal, my mum started to help me overcome my fear, and 5 months later, I got back into a kart, and started training again full time. When I got to my first race in Portugal, I won it immediatelly. And then, won again. And again. And despite only running 4 races, I finished 5th in the national standings. I was really young, so school had to be also prioritised in case karting didn't work out, so I kept on studying. Next season, I though side by side with a much older driver, but eventually, broke my leg in an accident while practising. A couple more weeksn on the sidelines, but the championship was gone. In the next two years, I won both the regional championship and the national karting championship, and at 15 I drove for my first time in the European Championship, where I finished 8th overall. Not a bad result. Nxet year, I finished 4th in the European Championship, and won the "Cup of Portugal" for my first time, and finished 7th in the World Championships.

Now I'm almost 17, and with my results, I knew I could focus on becoming world champion. But then, I received a letter from a team called ECA Racing. They are a team in the Spanish F3, and they we're looking for a driver to drive in their second entry in the C Class. A regulation change meant the C Class was now using the same chassis as the A Class, and it was designed for the rookie drivers. Initially, I thought it was a joke, but I went to the meeting anyway. When I got there, the team principal said it was a part-time entrance for the first 5 rounds, and I could still focus on the karting world championship. I was really surprised, but I said yes. We shook hands, and I called the Lotto company (which my father had left to me, but I don't want anything to do with business) because I needed the money to fund those 5 races, which they sended me later on. The deal was made, and I started testing the car this week. And now, I'm here writing this blog.

Finally, I'm going to describe myself as a racing driver for this first blog entrance: I'm a natural racer. Even in my karting years, I could struggle in qualifying, but for race, I would come through the field, setting fastest laps. I'm a great overtaker, and I'm very agressive, which to be fair, you have to be in junior formula. And now, my single seater career is about to start, in the circuit of Jarama in Spain. I'll talk to you boys later.

Last edited by Miguel98 on 31 Oct 2015, 15:32, edited 2 times in total.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.

18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
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Re: Miguel Rocha - First Race Weekend

Post by Miguel98 »

Note: I forgot that F1C didn't record individual sessions without having extra stats enable in the .plr file, so there won't be practice sessions results for this weekend, and no qualifying times as well. They'll appear in the next round though. I also lost the first replay of the race, so from the second weekend of racing onwards, it's going to be one report per race.

Free Practice and Qualifying 1:
During free practice, the team's goal was to help me get accostumed to the circuit. I'd never driven in Jarama before, since the pre-season testing had been at Catalunya, and I had driven the car in Estoril as well for the first time. So it was a challenge to get accostumed to the circuit. The elevation changes we're really difficult to deal through some of the corners and I knew that if I pushed too hard in some sections I could crash. But to be fair, that can happen anywhere. In free practice session, I focused on long runs, and I ended up in last place, less than a second off the pace of the next car, with a time around the 1:22 mark, which was in the average race pace of the track.

For the first qualifying, the cars are given 25 minutes to set 2 flying laps. On my first flying lap, it seemed quite good, but I didn't get under the 1:22's, and I eventually finished with a 1:22.0 as a time, half a second off the next best car. I qualified last. I wasn't disappointed bear in mind, but I knew that this lap time was more similar to a race lap than a qualifying lap, and I struggled with grip during my laps. Andy Soucek grabbed pole position, ahead of Ricardo Risatti and Manel Cerqueda Jr, the leading C Class driver.

2 RISATTI Ricardo
4 PÉREZ-AICART José Manuel
5 VILLA Javier
7 BARBA Álvaro
8 ÁLVAREZ Carlos
10 MARTINEZ Marcos
11 BARBA Marco
13 LLOBELL Arturo
16 MARTÍN Daniel
17 POLAR Juan Manuel
18 MORENO Sebastián
19 MARTÍN Carlos
20 ROCHA Miguel

Race 1:
I made a decent start, and got into 17th place, most due to an incident ahead, where Carlos Martin crashed into the back of De Villota and lost his front wing in the process. During the lap, I passed my team-mate Daniel Martin for 16th, and then cleared Juan Manuel Polar and Roldan Rodriguez, and I was up into P14 by the end of lap 1! I was really excited in the cockpit, and I couldn't believe the start that I'd had. I chased after Llobell and got really close to the back of him, but he defended really good. I stayed close to him, but on lap 7, made a mistake and Roldan Rodriguez passed me down the inside into turn 4. I then fought Maria de Villota for P15, defending from her. She passed me on lap 11, and I chased her down for the next two laps and I made the move again. Into turn 1 though in the next lap, I locked up and ran wide and De Villota touched me and she spinned. Me and her talked after the race and concluded it was a racing incident. This allowed Polar to clear both of us, and he stayed ahead of me until the 18th lap, where I passed him with a good move into turn 1. I finished in 15th in my first F3 race, but it seemed like I could've finished higher. Andy Soucek won from pole position ahead of Ricardo Risatti and José Manuel Pérez-Aicart, who set the fastest lap of the race.

Race Result:
1 SOUCEK Andy 25:54.682
2 RISATTI Ricardo +0:01.326
3 PÉREZ-AICART José Manuel +0:02.801
4 CERQUEDA Jr Manel +0:11.444
5 VILLA Javier +0:12.201
6 ALBUQUERQUE Filipe +0:12.875
7 BARBA Álvaro +0:13.463
8 ÁLVAREZ Carlos +0:15.450
9 SAEZ-MERINO JR Manuel +0:16.281
10 MARTINEZ Marcos +0:16.792
11 MONTSERRAT Nil +0:17.947
12 BARBA Marco +0:18.623
13 LLOBELL Arturo +0:19.415
14 RODRÍGUEZ Roldan +0:20.356
15 ROCHA Miguel +0:26.972
16 POLAR Juan Manuel +0:27.132
17 MARTÍN Daniel +0:27.433
18 DE VILLOTA Maria +0:38.583
19 MORENO Sebastian +0:42.657
20 MARTIN Carlos +0:58.936
Fastest Lap: José Manuel Pérez-Aicart: 01:21.322

Qualifying 2:
This was probably the worst qualifying of my career. In my first flying lap, I locked up into turn 1 and slid into the gravel, and while I did get out of it and finished my lap, I was 3 second off the pace. After a great out-lap for my second flying lap, Arturo Llobell was coming out of pitroad for his second outlap of the qualifying session, and he got into the normal pit exit line into turn 1. At the time, it seemed like the way to go. I broke a bit later than normal into turn 1 to overtake Llobell in order not to get held up. But what it seemed like a good idea turned out bad. I got too much speed into turn 1, and in order to avoid a big crash, had to slam hard on the brakes, and ended up stuck in the gravel at turn 1. P20 again in qualifying. Really disappointed after it, but I knew that I could've done much better than in Q1, since I knew the circuit better after the first race of the weekend. Javier Villa took pole position for race 2.

1 VILLA Javier
2 BARBA Álvaro
3 RISATTI Ricardo
5 PÉREZ-AICART José Manuel
8 ÁLVAREZ Carlos
12 SOUCEK Andy
13 POLAR Juan Manuel
14 MARTÍN Daniel
15 MARTÍN Carlos
16 BARBA Marcos
17 LLOBELL Arturo
19 MORENO Sebastián
20 ROCHA Miguel

Race 2:
I made a decent start, and into turn 1 I was able to get into P16. Into turn 3 I was able to get Carlos Martin around the outside, and moved myself up into P15. Into the second to last corner of the lap I got my team-mate Daniel, and got into P14. I moved 6 places in one lap, and the car was more stable than in race 1. I set my targets to get into P13. In P13, my compatriot Albuquerque was running in it, and in lap 2, I was able to get on his toe on the top of the circuit, and got him on the long right hander before the downhill section, and got myself up into P13, only 4 positions away from the points! Next up on my list it was race 1 winner Andy Soucek, who had a disappointing qualifying session. Into the next lap, I chased down after Andy, and made a similar move to the one I had pulled on Daniel two laps earlier. Next up, Manuel Saez-Merino. Soucek got back at me into turn 1 on the next lap, but I made the cutback coming out of it, and stayed in 12th place for now. Midway through the lap, the two TEC-Auto's cars collided and Alvarez spinned into the wall and lost his front wing, and I moved up into P11, now only two places away from points! I couldn't believe it, my awful qualifying session could turn into points. On lap 8, I made a mistake into turn 1 and ran wide. This allowed Soucek to get back through, and I fell into P12. Then I thought that if I kept on pace with Soucek, I could get to Saez-Merino quicker than I could alone, so I tucked behind the race 1 winner during the next couple of laps. During the said course of laps, I did a great lap, which the team informed me afterwards that it was the fastest lap of the race! My first point in F3, and my first fastest lap on my second race! I couldn't believe it. But even if the point was good, the race would turn into disappointment in the next couple of laps after going purple. I was able to re-pass Andy Soucek entering lap 13, and got myself up to P11. Onto lap 15, and I made a mistake. The same one I did in Q2. I locked up into turn 1 and went into the gravel area of turn 1, and had to free myself out of it and fell into 14th place. 3 seconds behind 13th. The fight for points was over, and with flatspotted tyres, I had no pace compared to my race before, but I was able to defend and finish 14th. Disappointing, since the fastest lap showed I had lots of pace to burn, but encouraging, since I have lots of pace to burn if I get my consistency right. I still have 4 rounds to prove my worth. Enough time to prove I'm good. Javier Villa won the race ahead of Alvaro Barba, while Risatti finished 3rd. Cerqueda Jr won the C Class again.

Race Result:
1 VILLA Javier 25:54.651
2 BARBA Alvaro +0:02.038
3 RISATTI Ricardo +0:03.554
4 PÉREZ-AICART Jose Manuel +0:04.895
5 RODRIGUEZ Roldan +0:06.176
6 CERQUEDA JR Manel +0:12.272
7 MONTSERRAT Nil +0:16.120
8 POLAR Juan Manuel +0:17.159
9 MARTINEZ Marcos +0:17.885
10 SÁEZ-MERINO JR Manuel +0:18.463
11 ALBUQUERQUE Filipe +0:18.792
12 SOUCEK Andy +0:19.602
13 MARTIN Daniel +0:20.454
14 ROCHA Miguel +0:25.446
15 MARTIN Carlos +0:26.203
16 DE VILLOTA Maria +0:27.373
17 BARBA Marco +0:28.129
18 LLOBELL Arturo +0:29.090
19 MORENO Sebastian +0:29.491
20 ALVAREZ Carlos +01:08.897
Fastest Lap: Miguel Rocha: 01:21.270

Championship Standings:
1 RISATTI Ricardo 18
2 VILLA Javier 17
3 PÉREZ-AICART Jose Manuel 15
4 BARBA Alvaro 13
5 SOUCEK Andy 12
6 CERQUEDA JR Manel 10
7 RODRIGUEZ Roldan 5
10 POLAR Juan Manuel 2
11 ÁLVAREZ Carlos 2
12 SAÉZ-MERINO JR Manuel 1
13 MARTINEZ Marcos 1
14 ROCHA Miguel 1

Copa de España de F3:
1 CERQUEDA JR Manel 24
3 SÁEZ-MERINO JR Manuel 14
4 MARTINEZ Marcos 14
5 ALVAREZ Carlos 10
6 ROCHA Miguel 7
7 BARBA Marco 6
8 MARTIN Carlos 4
9 LLOBELL Arturo 4
10 DE VILLOTA María 4

Trofeo Ibérico de F3:
1 VILLA Javier 20
2 PÉREZ-AICART José Manuel 18
3 BARBA Alvaro 16
4 SOUCEK Andy 15
6 MARTINEZ Marcos 9
7 RODRIGUEZ Roldan 7
8 BARBA Marco 4
9 LLOBELL Arturo 2
10 MARTIN Daniel 2

Team Standings:
1 Racing Engineering 40
2 GTA Motor Competicion 27
3 Campos Racing 18
4 Llusia Racing 12
5 IGI Tec-Auto 4
6 ECA Racing 1
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.

18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
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Re: Miguel Rocha - First Race Weekend

Post by Miguel98 »

Driver Changes:
Maria de Villota is replaced at Meycom Sport by Edeniel Soto, who'll drive to the end of the season. Aitor Medina comes to drive the #26 GTA Motor Competicion, while Piero Rodarte joins my team driving the #23 car till the end of the season.

Free Practice and Qualifying 1:
Free Practice started with wet tarmac, since a rain shower had hitted the track earlier. I went out on the wets, but by the end of my first lap around Valencia, I could sense the track was drying too quickly for these tyres, so I did a 1:48, way off the pace, which was low 1:40's at this point. The track continued to dry as the session went on, getting quicker and quicker, and eventually the best time was a low 1:38, done by Ricardo Risatti who topped the session. I finished P5, 0.142 adrift the fastest time, much better compared to my performance in Jarama. I sensed the track was much grippier compared to Jarama, and I could push the car a bit more.
For qualifying, we wanted to keep the momentum going, so we knew a top 10 spot was possible with the pace we had shown. The track was dry Saturday morning, so we went out for an early run, but a mistake meant we couldn't get a proper lap in. Our 2nd lap was much better, and we ended up going provisial P4 at the time, but as people improved, we went down to P11 in the end, missing out a top 10 spot, but with points on target. Ricardo Risatti got pole position ahead of Andy Soucek and Filipe Albuquerque.

Free Practice Results;
1 RISATTI Ricardo 1:38.089
2 ALBUQUERQUE Filipe +0.087
3 MARTIN Daniel +0.115
4 VILLA Javier +0.131
5 ROCHA Miguel +0.142
6 MARTINEZ Marcos +0.146
7 SAEZ-MERINO JR Manuel +0.211
8 CERQUEDA JR Manel +0.218
9 MONTSERRAT Nil +0.261
10 RODRIGUEZ Roldan +0.264
11 PEREZ-AICART Jose Manuel +0.266
12 BARBA Alvaro +0.270
13 POLAR Juan Manuel +0.291
14 RODARTE Piero +0.313
15 SOUCEK Andy +0.328
16 LLOBELL Arturo +0.384
17 MEDINA Aitor +0.396
18 SOTO Edeniel +0.433
19 MARTIN Carlos +0.450
20 BARBA Marco +0.546
21 ALVAREZ Carlos +0.662

Qualifying 1 Results:
1 RISATI Ricardo 1:37.500
2 SOUCEK Andy +0.037
3 ALBUQUERQUE Filipe +0.072
4 VILLA Javier +0.077
5 BARBA Alvaro +0.169
6 MARTINEZ Marcos +0.198
7 MONTSERRAT Nil +0.286
8 POLAR Juan Manuel +0.310
9 PEREZ-AICART Juan Manuel +0.401
10 MARTIN Daniel +0.825
11 ROCHA Miguel +0.919
12 CERQUEDA JR Manel +1.098
13 BARBA Marco +1.332
14 LLOBELL Arturo +1.353
15 ALVAREZ Carlos +1.367
16 RODARTE Piero +1.417
17 MARTIN Carlos +1.623
18 SOTO Edeniel +1.693
19 SAEZ-MERINO JR Manuel +1.734
20 MEDINA Aitor +1.850
21 RODRIGUEZ Roldan +1.937

Race 1:
Again, just like in practice, a rain shower hit the track before the race, but when the race started, the weather was pretty much clear, and slicks was the way to go. I made an okayish start, and lost a position to Cerqueda Jr, but I overtook him into turn 1 to go back to 11th. I overtook Daniel Martin into corner 3, and was up into the top 10. I tried not to touch my team-mate and gave him all the space he needed. I locked up entering turn 2 off lap 2, and Daniel overtook me again, but I was able to come back at him into the next corner. Once again, I gave him the space needed for him to try and come back at me, which he didn't. I chased after Polar, and with a great run through the final sector, was able to pass him into the final corner with an ambitious move down the inside. He tried to come back at me into turn 1 using splistream, but I was able to defend the position, and moved myself into points! I was able to pass Aicart in the same lap, with a similar move to the one done on Polar, but this time, I was much closer to him to outbrake him into the final corner, compared to Polar. But Aicart was able to pass me into turn 1, but I was able to do the switchback into turn 2. I chased down Montserrat for the next lap, and I passed him into turn 2 the next lap, getting 7th place in the process, and 2nd place in the C Class, behind Martinez. My race after this was rather unenventfull. I chased Marcos, and actually got less than two seconds behind, but then I locked up and all that process went to waste, and I spend the rest of the race in no mans land. Eventually, I was catching Marcos again, but the gap was just too big. I crossed the finish line in 7th place, my first points in the series! And set my second fastest lap as well! If we keep going like this, a podium might happen in race 2! Ricardo Risatti won the race ahead of Andy Soucek and Filipe Albuquerque, who got his first podium in the series, so I'm happy for him.

Race 1 Results:
1 RISATTI Ricardo 21:36.692
2 SOUCEK Andy +0:00.651
3 ALBUQUERQUE Filipe +0:01.998
4 VILLA Javier +0:02.655
5 BARBA Alvaro +0:03.159
6 MARTINEZ Marcos +0:04.101
7 ROCHA Miguel +0:09.607
8 MONTSERRAT Nil +0:15.912
9 PEREZ-AICART Jose Manuel +0:16.418
10 MARTIN Daniel +0:17.093
11 POLAR Juan Manuel +0:17.851
12 CERQUEDA JR Manel +0:18.363
13 BARBA Marco +0:18.934
14 ALVAREZ Carlos +0:19.813
15 LLOBELL Arturo +0:20.230
16 RODARTE Piero +0:21.152
17 SOTO Edeniel +0:21.506
18 SAEZ-MERINO JR Manuel +0:22.198
19 MARTIN Carlos +0:22.881
20 MEDINA Aitor +0:23.261
21 RODRIGUEZ Roldan +0:23.683
Fastest Lap: Miguel Rocha - 01:38.566

Championship standings will be updated after race 2.
Last edited by Miguel98 on 31 Oct 2015, 15:34, edited 1 time in total.
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.

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Re: Miguel Rocha - First Race Weekend

Post by dr-baker »

Miguel98 wrote:Driver Changes:
Maria de Villota is replaced at Meycom Sport by Edeniel Soto, who'll drive to the end of the season.

Boo! BOO! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(No, I did NOT say Boo-urns...)
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
dinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
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Re: Miguel Rocha - Race 4!

Post by Miguel98 »

@baker - That's how real life went, so it's how it goes here. :P

Qualifying 2:
At least this time it was full dry all day long. The track seemed to have a bit less grip compared to the day before, so I didn't expect to go much quicker than the day before, but a top 10 on the grid could be on the cards. Both my laps we're quite good, but the second one got me under the 1:38's, and it was enough to secure me 7th on the grid, and the 2nd best Copa driver. Ricardo Risatti made it two out of two pole positions this weekends, and he was the favourite into the race to make it two out of two.

Qualifying 2 Results:
1 RISATTI Ricardo 1:37.724
2 SOUCEK Andy +0.024
3 CERQUEDA JR Manel +0.112
4 VILLA Javier +0.120
5 BARBA Alvaro +0.126
6 SAEZ-MERINO JR Manuel +0.168
7 ROCHA Miguel +0.203
8 MARTIN Daniel +0.214
9 ALVAREZ Carlos +0.266
10 MARTINEZ Marcos +0.273
11 MONTSERRAT Nil +0.349
12 POLAR Juan Manuel +0.375
13 MEDINA Aitor +0.406
14 RODARTE Piero +0.432
15 LLOBELL Arturo +0.569
16 PEREZ-AICART Jose Manuel +0.726
17 ALBUQUERQUE Filipe +0.744
18 RODRIGUEZ Roldan +0.773
19 BARBA Marco +1.200
20 SOTO Edeniel +1.677
21 MARTIN Carlos +4.665

Race 2:
I made quite a decent start and passed my team-mate Manuel down the inside into turn 1, and got me myself up to 6th. I then saw that Barba left a big space on his inside into turn 2 and I took the chance by braking really late. Despite the brake distance beeing cut short, and I ran a bit wide on the exit of the turn, I got myself into 5th place. It was already going better than race 1, and maybe a podium was on the cards. I got a good run through the final sector on Javier Villa, but couldn't pass him, so I locked in behind him for the time beeing. Through the middle sector, Villa ran a bit wide, and I took the chance, but he was able to defend in the exit of the turn, and a small moment of oversteer ruined any chance of overtaking him this lap. This fighting, plus a small lock up into turn 3 allowed Barba to catch me up and dive down the inside of me, but I was able to hang on despite a small touch, which seemed not to affect my car. This was until I entered the second sector, and the car refused to turn and it went straight on. When I finally turned the car, I was down into 10th place, and with no chance of catching the next cars with this kind of damage. The race turned into defense mode in a car with not much steering lock now, I was able though to get a good run through the final sector, and passed Marcos Martinez for 9th, and in the next lap passed Carlos Alvarez for 8th in an ambitious move into the final corner. The race was going smoothly now, despite the damage, and it went up until lap 12, when I ran wide and lost 8th for Alvarez. I wasn't going to stand still though, and into the final corner of the next lap. Similar to what I'd done to him earlier, I got a great run through the final sector to try and make the move, and went for the inside line into the final corner. The problem was, Alvarez knew it coming and positioned the car a bit to the right this time. Fair to say, contact occured. My car flew into the air, and both cars ran wide into the grass area. Martinez passed both of us, and now my car had severe suspension damage for the final lap, and I was still in points. Somehow, I was able to catch Marcos into the final corner, and made a move on him. I pushed him a bit wide, and got P8 back, and I finished there. Martinez fell out of the points, and so did Alvarez. The stewards investigated the incidents, and gave me a warning for agressive driving. Andy Soucek managed to jump Risatti on the start, and won the race. Cerqueda Jr is the first Copa driver to finish on the podium of a race this season. Perez-Aicart scored fastest lap bonus points.

Race 2 Results:
1 SOUCEK Andy 21:13.346
2 RISATTI Ricardo +0:00.464
3 CERQUEDA JR Manel +0:06.873
4 VILLA Javier +0:07.334
5 BARBA Alvaro +0:07.702
6 SAEZ-MERINO JR Manuel +0:08.160
7 MARTIN Daniel +0:08.790
8 ROCHA Miguel +0:16.986
9 MONTSERRAT Nil +0:17.755
10 MARTINEZ Marcos +0:18.059
11 ALVAREZ Carlos +0:18.381
12 MEDINA Aitor +0:18.825
13 POLAR Juan Manuel +0:19.238
14 ALBUQUERQUE Filipe +0:19.688
15 RODARTE Piero +0:20.288
16 RODRIGUEZ Roldan +0:20.864
17 LLOBELL Arturo +0:21.399
18 MARTIN Carlos +0:21.996
19 BARBA Marco +0:22.247
20 SOTO Edeniel +0:23.166
21 PEREZ-AICART Jose Manuel +0:23.581
Fastest Lap: Jose Manuel Perez-Aicart - 01:37.194

Championship Standings:
1 RISATTI Ricardo 40
2 SOUCEK Andy 34
3 VILLA Javier 29
4 BARBA Alvaro 23
5 CERQUEDA JR Manel 18
6 PEREZ-AICART Jose Manuel 17
8 ROCHA Miguel 7
10 RODRIGUEZ Roldan 5
11 MARTINEZ Marcos 5
12 SAEZ-MERINO JR Manuel 5
13 MARTIN Daniel 3
14 ALVAREZ Carlos 2
15 POLAR Juan Manuel 2

Copa de España de F3:
1 CERQUEDA JR Manel 42
2 MARTINEZ Marcos 31
4 ROCHA Miguel 25
5 SAEZ-MERINO JR Manuel 24
6 ALVAREZ Carlos 18
7 BARBA Marco 11
8 LLOBELL Arturo 8
9 MARTIN Carlos 4
10 DE VILLOTA Maria 4
11 RODARTE Piero 4
12 MEDINA Aitor 3
13 SOTO Edeniel 1

Trofeo Ibérico de F3:
1 VILLA Javier 40
2 SOUCEK Andy 39
3 BARBA Alvaro 32
4 PEREZ-AICART Jose Manuel 23
5 MARTINEZ Marcos 19
6 SAEZ-MERINO JR Manuel 16
7 MARTIN Daniel 11
8 RODRIGUEZ Roldan 10
9 BARBA Marco 8
10 LLOBELL Arturo 6

Teams Championship:
1 Racing Engineering 86
2 GTA Motor Competición 39
3 Llusiá Racing 34
4 Campos Racing 28
5 ECA Racing 13
6 IGI Tec-Auto 4
Mario on Gutierrez after the Italian Grand Prix wrote:He's no longer just a bit of a tool, he's the entire tool set.

18-07-2015: Forever in our hearts Jules.
25-08-2015: Forever in our hearts Justin.
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