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Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 03 Nov 2019, 21:08
by Londoner
1. Ferrari. STATE of your race, chaps. :badoer:

2. Haas. STATE of your season, chaps. :badoer:

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 03 Nov 2019, 21:20
by SuzukiSwift
Ferrari. Yikes.

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 03 Nov 2019, 21:22
by Meatwad
Ferrari is the obvious choice here – that was just embarrassing. :facepalm:

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 03 Nov 2019, 21:22
by golic_2004
1. Vettel: a horrible 9 laps ending in a broken suspension
2. HAAS: anonymous at home

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 03 Nov 2019, 21:24
by rachel1990
1- Ferrari. Again. Just total rubbish again. I can't even be bothered to go into details.

2- Kyvat. Again. Another stupid move at the end of the race and another 5-second penalty.

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 04 Nov 2019, 08:51
by UncreativeUsername37
1. Vettel; lol
2. Giovinazzi; outqualifies Räikkönen just to have the same disappointing race as always

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 05 Nov 2019, 17:30
by Wallio
I hesitate to nominate Ferrari since I believe they had Charles back WAY off over suspension fears. Once they took him off the leash for a run at Fastest Lap, he took it easily by several tenths. So the pace was there, somewhere.

And Haas is just ROTY so its pretty pointless......

So I guess my nominations are:

1.) Kvyat - No one is calling you the Torpedo as a term of endearment lad. It is most likely Torro Rosso driver that will not come back next year, but lately I'm doubting its Gasley that gets the axe.

2.) Brundle (again) - This weeks idiocy? When Hamilton ran Bottas wide (in an aggressive but 100% legal move) while battling briefly on different strategies, Brundle laughed and quipped "ooh Bottas overcooked it there, can't keep it on the road". No you twat, its called racing.

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 06 Nov 2019, 07:37
by Pacific Edge
Ferrari: Just nowhere on pace, and Vettel DNF to boot.

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 07 Nov 2019, 11:10
by yannicksamlad
As mentioned above - Ferrari and Haas . I feel sorry for Haas now - they just cant get points and yet they started the season ahead of most of the midfield.
Ferrari's race pace was disappointing

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 10 Nov 2019, 12:47
by Rob Dylan
The race has given us a sixth world championship for Lewis Hamilton, but not much excitement from the forum threads :D only three real candidates got enough votes to be eligible, so here you go. 48 hours to get those votes in :dance:

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 13 Nov 2019, 20:58
by Rob Dylan
They seem to be determined to be the most disappointing thing in the last few years of community ROTR voting, but at least it gets them at the top of one league table. I mean, it's not completely surprising anymore when Ferrari turn a great opportunity into complete and total embarrassment for themselves. But of course they once again did it. Long story short, one finished a minute off the pace and off the podium, the other didn't finish. What is going on there this year? I would personally say they're bordering on Reject of the Year material here...

Re: Your Reject of the Race - USA

Posted: 14 Nov 2019, 22:25
by Fetzie
Ferrari has been the holder of my RotY nomination for quite a few months now.