F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

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F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by rachel1990 »

Vettel - 9- Okay he drove well. Boring but well
Webber -7 Disappeard in the second half of the race
Red Bull- 9 Stop Whinging about the tyres You Bloody won by miles!

Alonso - 9 Sixth to second is impressive
Massa - 8 Good overtaking but Quali killed him though
Ferrari- 6 They need to keep up with Red Bull

Button - 2 awful race
Perez - 3 got an extra point for finishing above his teammate
Mclaren- 1 0 points they need to go back to the 2012 CAR

Raikkonen - 4 Car and tyres nearly cost him any points- The curse has hit!
Grosjean - 2 the one day that he should have crashed (safely)
Lotus -1 Losing pace with Red bull

Rosberg - 5 disappeard again
Hamilton - 6 Couldn't keep up with Finger Boy
Mercedes- 5 the tyre row overshadowed a boring race

Hulkenberg - 4 VDG took him out
Gutierrez - 5 Nowhere and then crashed
Sauber- 3 double DNF

Di Resta - 9 Great use of tyres and good points again
Sutil - 3 not one of his best days
Force India - 7 more points again!

Maldonado - 3 Just ahead of a Marussia
Bottas - 5 Showed his talent
Williams - 3 again need to go back to the 2012 car

Ricciardo - 3 awful race was nowhere
Vergne - 8 Good race good points
Toro Rosso- 7 Need to get both cars in the points

Pic -5 at least he finished unlike...
VDG -0 Two crashes, a stop and go as well. ROTR
Catherham - 3 Bianchi finishs above them again

Bianchi - 6 back to normal the best of the 'slow' teams
Chilton -4 Last again
Marussia - 5 Bianchi outclassing the car
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by PT8475 »

Vettel: 10 - Couldn't have done any more. Perfect.
Webber: 7 - Faded disappointingly in the last quarter.
Red Bull: 9 - Damn good all weekend.

Alonso: 9 - Great drive, aggressive overtaking and great speed.
Massa: 8 - Made the race worth watching, but loses marks for qualifying error.
Ferrari: 8 - Second best today.

Button: 4 - Okay drive, slightly anonymous.
Pérez: 6 - Pretty good, no incidents today.
McLaren: 4 - They need to sort this car out now.

Räikkönen: 7 - Seemed to get slightly deflated by his fuel and pitstop issues, but was nice and aggressive at the start.
Grosjean: 8 - Strong race in the end, held by team orders at the end, methinks.
Lotus: 6 - Poor weekend overall for the team, perhaps beginning to fall behind in development without James Allison?

Rosberg: 6 - 5th place is fair enough, but once passed, seemed beaten.
Hamilton: 8 - Great racing with Alonso near the end, and strong drive from him, but nothing to match Vettel.
Mercedes: 7 - They're getting there...

Hülkenburg: 6 - Anonymous, somewhat.
Gutierrez: 4 - May be lowered if we see the cause of his crash (thanks director), otherwise not so great anyway.
Sauber: 4 - Very poor weekend. Where've last years impovements gone?

Di Resta: 8 - Great job to get by on one pitstop, and excellent race.
Sutil: 5 - Where was he today? Seemed absent in terms of thought today.
Force India: 7 - Could they beat McLaren this year? Possibly...

Maldonado: 4 - Silly, silly, silly. Apart from that rather absent.
Bottas: 7 - Great qualifying, but the race served to show Williams' issues.
Williams: 3 - Do they even try anymore?

Ricciardo: 5 - Disappeared today, rather poor.
Vergne: 7 - Great race, great points.
Toro Rosso: 6 - Pretty good race for them.

Pic: 3 - Didn't really see much...
Van Der Garde: 1 - ROTR, very, very silly.
Caterham: 4 - Not bad, not great.

Bianchi: 7 - Best of the rest. Again.
Chilton: 2 - You get what you pay for.
Marussia: 5 - They're beating Caterham...
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Londoner »

Vettel - 10 - "sigh". :|
Webber - 8 - He actually made places up at the start! What is this sorcery?

Alonso - 9 - Fantastic job
Massa - 8 - Ditto.

Button - 4 - Hamstrung by the shitbox that is the MP4-28
Perez - 4 - Ditto

Raikkonen - 5 - A poor day in the office, but at least he scored points
Grosjean - 3 - Reverted back to Mr Anonymous.

Hamilton - 7 - S'alright I suppose.
Rosberg - 6 - Meh

Hulkenberg - 3 - Absolutely nowhere.
Gutierrez - 2 - The only man to crash all day.

Di Resta - 8 - Yet more points for the Glass of Milk
Sutil - 8 - Spun, got hit from behind by the Reverend, a dubious DTP, and yet still finished in the points.

Maldonado - 4 - Not doing himself any favours.
Bottas - 5 - And Eurobrun can breathe a sigh of relief. :|

Vergne - 9 - A step towards unrejectification
Ricciardo - 4 - Dropped like a lead balloon through the order.

Pic - 5 - Got it to the finish
VDG - 0 - Who was driving the second Caterham in Monte Carlo? Because it surely couldn't have been this fellow on the basis of today...

Bianchi - 5 - Meh
Chilton - 4 - Bah
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Post by Dan B »

Sebastian Vettel: 8: A normal day at the office; loses 2 points for that odd fumble but that's what happens when you stay in the lead for too long I guess.
Mark Webber: 7: Not as impressive as his teammate but brings home a solid fourth.
Red Bull: 8: A solid day, but their whining about tires might've ruined the show.

Fernando Alonso: 9: Some daring moves on Hamilton; I thought he clipped the Mercedes when he passed.
Felipe Massa: 8: Good recovery into the points; might've saved his seat for now at least.
Ferrari: 7: They can't rely on luck to beat Red Bull; their pace is generally good but it needs to be better.

Jenson Button: 2: Absolutely dreadful. Hard to believe this is the same guy who won in 2011.
Sergio Perez: 3: Well he finished ahead of Button but right now that's not saying much.
McLaren: 1: It says a lot when one of the most successful F1 teams has a car that is easily passed by a crippled Force India. Now I know Force India's car this year is quite good, but being passed by a crippled midfield car is embarrassing.

Kimi Raikkonen: 3: Grosjean was the stronger of the two drivers it seems. Lucky to get into the points, but otherwise rather anonymous.
Romain Grosjean: 7: Stayed too long on his tires and paid for it; probably due to team orders though.
Lotus: 3: A botched pitstop and otherwise quite slow. If they want to remain in contention for either of the championships they need to do a lot better.

Lewis Hamilton: 7: Was quick but no match for Vettel or Alonso.
Nico Rosberg: 6: Quick, but didn't do much when passed.
Mercedes: 6: They're getting there but between the FIA tribunal and the tire wear they have their work cut out for them.

Nico Hulkenberg: 3: Slow and somehow retired due to Van de Garde in a rather silly way.
Esteban Gutierrez: 2: Was absolutely nowhere and from what it looked like his retirement looked very amateurish.
Sauber: 1: Pathetic. As I said before, Force India puts both their cars in the points; one which was broken and had to serve a penalty, and the other from 17th. Sauber on the other hand were just slow, and from what it seemed they didn't look to be in contention for points anyway. It is really hard to believe this was the same team from last year. Reject of the Race nomination for me.

Paul di Resta: 9: Amazing drive from the Scotsman.
Adrian Sutil: 7: For all what he had to go through this race it's amazing he can get a point. Good work for him.
Force India: 7: If this keeps up, they could beat McLaren.

Jean-Eric Vergne: 8: A solid sixth keeps his seat safe.
Daniel Ricciardo: 4: Not what he needed; how he managed to drop so far down is rather mysterious to me as he seemed to be doing well at the beginning.
Toro Rosso: 6: When one driver does well the other doesn't. That said if they can get both drivers to do well they can pressure McLaren.

Pastor Maldonado: 4: The tangle with Sutil might've been a race incident but it could've been avoided. Otherwise was nowhere and looking at timing and scoring was close to Bianchi.
Valterri Bottas: 6: Qualifying went undone today, but mainly because the car is terrible.
Williams: 3: Bottas' plummet from 3rd to 14th should serve as a wakeup call to get their car in shape.

Charles Pic: 5: I know I've said it before but his time is being wasted at Caterham.
Giedo Van de Garde: 1: Drove with the finesse of a drunk gorilla.
Caterham: 3: They're being beaten by Marussia again.

Jules Bianchi: 7: Best of the backmarkers again; was close to Maldonado at some points.
Max Chilton: 5: Kept his nose clear for once.
Marussia: 6: Back on their start-of-the-season form; let's hope it continues.
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by pasta_maldonado »

Vettel - 10 - Flawless.
Webber - 9 - A good start, and had pace comparable to Vettel, which was good to see

Alonso - 9 - These points will come in handy
Massa - 5 - Underwhelming race

Button - 5 - Car is crap, hampered by strategy
Perez - 5 car is crap, hampered by crapness

Raikkonen - 4 - still mr consistent, but is falling back in the title race...
Grosjean - 0 - Was this Grosjean or Channoch Nissany in disguise?

Hamilton - 7 - couldn't really challenge
Rosberg - 5 - Anonymous

Hulkenberg - 2 - Dismal
Gutierrez - 0 - Abysmal

Di Resta - 6 - A bit more pace now, but I'm yet to be convinced by Mr Arrogant himself
Sutil - 8 - Was in the wars but salvaged some points.

Maldonado - 3 - I hate to say it, but an absolutely lacklustre performance
Bottas - 4 - Lost 6 bonus points due to underwhelming race that was not his fault

Vergne - 9 - Ricciardo like performance
Ricciardo - 4 - Don't think he'll be smiling after that

Pic - 5 - Meh
VDG - 0 - received 10 bonus points for good old incompetence at the back of the pack. Lost 10 points for being an idiot me ruining other people's races

Bianchi - 5 - See Pic
Chilton - 5 - See Bianchi
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Meatwad »

Vettel 10
Webber 8
(Red Bull 9)

Alonso 10
Massa 8
(Ferrari 8)

Button 6
Pérez 7
(McLaren 3)

Räikkönen 6
Grosjean 6
(Lotus 2)

Hamilton 9
Rosberg 7
(Mercedes 8)

Hülkenberg 7
Gutiérrez 3
(Sauber 4)

Di Resta 10
Sutil 7
(Force India 9)

Maldonado 4
Bottas 8 :(
(Williams 3)

Vergne 10
Ricciardo 5
(STR 9)

Pic 7
Van der Garde 1
(Caterham 4)

Bianchi 9
Chilton 7
(Marussia 8)
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Alextrax52 »

Vettel 10 (Perfect Perfect Perfect)
Webber 8 (Would have challenged Lewis without the Van der Garde incident)
Red Bull 9 (Can we give them the title now?)

Alonso 9 (If only he qualified in Bottas's position)
Massa 7 (More combative than the rest of the field combined and deserved 8th)
Ferrari 8 (Good effort but need to stop Massa costing them money)

Button 4 (It was 2012 all over again to a lesser extent)
Perez 4 (Where was he? It's not like Perez to be anonymous)
Mclaren 2 (Remember those rocket red victory shirts? No neither do I)

Raikkonen 3 (Enoch's curse has well and truly griped him)
Grosjean 5 (Better Lotus man but it didn't mean much today)
Lotus 4 (They need to get back on track and quickly)

Rosberg 7 (Nothing Good nothing Bad. Will help Mercedes to 3rd at this rate)
Hamilton 8 (Is he starting to come back to form?)
Mercedes (25 more solid points in the bank)

Hulkenberg 5 (Might have stole a point but chucked it away)
Gutierrez 3 (Anonymous and Binned it at the end)
Sauber 1 (What has gone wrong, Go Home Sauber)

Di Resta 9 (Strong race but now he needs to do this on speed not strategy)
Sutil 8 (Had the most eventful race since Webber at Abu Dhabi last year)
Force India 8 (If only they can get a weekend where everything goes right)

Vergne 10 (His pass on Bottas plus all the action behind him was the key to this result IIDOTR)
Ricciardo 6 (Completely owned by Vergne and chewed his tires)
Torro Rosso 7 (I would love it if they could beat Mclaren)

Maldonado 3 (Showed up by Bottas and he was only ahead of The Marussia's and Pic)
Bottas 8 (For Qualifying and the first quarter of that race he was great)
Williams 4 (Bottas aside what a shocker. Even Toro Rosso are making a mockery of them)

Pic 6 (Nothing special but he split the Marussia's)
Van Der Garde 1 (Was that Yuji Ide in the car? ROTR)
Caterham 5 (Meh)

Bianchi 7 (Back where he belongs)
Chilton 3 (Owned by Bianchi again. I have a feeling someone will predict the British Drivers will lock out the first 4 places)
Marussia 5 (See Caterham)
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by CaptainGetz12 »

Vettel: 8 Ran with the pole. When he says his team is in good shape the day before he isn't kidding around.
Webber: 7 Had decent bouts with Rosberg and Alonso, but seemed to have fallen aside toward the end.
Red Bull: 8 Still got that unstoppable combination. Gonna be a tough season for those trying to smite them.

Alonso: 9 Snuck up into 4th and gave a strong effort to settle into 2nd.
Massa: 7 Had a good fight with Raikonnen in the second half.
Ferrari: 8 Asserted their authority over Lotus today. Need to tighten up their screws if they want to catch Red Bull.

Raikkonen: 6 Down in the lower points, seemed a bit out of it today.
Grosjean: 7 Had the steam to get from last to points. Screw-up in the pits costed him that goal.
Lotus: 6 On the backfoot while the other three constructor contenders were on the front at some point. Least Grosjean had a good effort.

Hamilton: 7 Kept up 2nd, but appeared to sulk in defeat when Alonso passed him.
Rosberg: 6 Faded off once Webber and Alonso passed him.
Mercedes: 7 Didn't fly with the good grid positions, but they seem more well-tuned than Bahrain and Spain. Tire wear still looks like an issue.

Di Resta: 9 From Q1 positions to mid points. See what happens when you stop whining milkman? :lol:
Sutil: 8 After all of the problems he had today (damaged wing for most of the race), still getting a point is a nice conclusion to the day.
Force India: 9 Another impressive showing. Their consistency will get them far this season.

Button: 4 Was nowhere. No points for this lousy weekend.
Perez: 5 Same as Button, but plus a point for beating his more skilled teammate.
Mclaren: 4 Damn are they on the wrong side of their fight with Force India. I sense more bad times ahead for this veteran team.

Hulkenberg: 5 Claimed by VDG's drunken romp. Wasen't too interesting beforehand though.
Gutierrez: 5 Something put him in the wall on his way out of pit lane. I just wish I knew what...
Sauber: 5 Neither car reached the end, but neither were interesting over the weekend either.

Riccardo: 5 Didn't catch anyone's eye this weekend.
Vergne: 7 Caught somewhere between the top 5 and the lower points. Deserves some kudos for a couple places gained.
Toro Rosso: 6 Least-seen team of the race. Need to be a bit more consitent on driver performance, but are certainly improving from last year.

Maldonado: 4 Caught in backmarker-land after his penalty.
Bottas: 6 Said with confidence that his car wouldn't do well on race day. Defeatist or speaking the truth?
Williams: 4 When your podium-starting driver says that the team will lose, thats an ominous sign...

Pic: 5 Was on Marussia's tail each time they were seen. Nothing spectacular.
Van Der Garde: 1 blocking drivers, penalties, and his DNF taking someone with him. Classic Rejectfulness :D
Caterham: 3 Clearly the weaker of the backmarkers this weekend. Quite a let down from their good start at Monaco.

Bianchi: 5 Just being a backmarker. May have given the Pastor some pressure at some points.
Chilton: 4 Lost to Pic in the end.
Marussia: 5 Nothing of note. Still sparring with Caterham.
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by QuickYoda41 »

Vettel 7
Webber 7

Alonso 8
Massa 7

Button 5
Perez 5

Raikkonen 6
Grosjean 5

Rosberg 5
Hamilton 7

Di Resta 8
Sutil 6

Hulkenberg 6
Gutierrez 4

Maldonado 3
Bottas 7

Vergne 8
Ricciardo 5

Pic 6
Van der Garde 2

Bianchi 6
Chilton 5
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by kevinbotz »

Ratings-Race 7, Canada

Sebastian Vettel: 10
Mark Webber: 9
Red Bull: 10

Any doubt regarding both the efficacy of Newey's design and Vettel's ability was swept away by the sheer dominance of Red Bull's performance this race. In spite of a few unsettling encounters with the close walls of the track, Sebastian Vettel sprinted away from the rest of the grid to an emphatic first victory at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, opening up a 14 second gap in the process. His teammate, Mark Webber, could very well have snatched a podium position had it not been for an ruinous encounter with a reckless Giedo Van der Garde.

Fernando Alonso: 10
Felipe Massa: 8
Ferrari: 8

Fernando Alonso drove exceptionally well to take second position from Lewis Hamilton in the fading laps of the race, adequately redressing his relatively mediocre performance in Monaco, and overtaking Kimi Raikkonen to seize second position in the standings. Felipe Massa provided much of the action throughout the race, charging from 16th place on the grid to an eventual 8th. The Scuderia, especially in light of the struggles experienced by their competitors at Lotus, produced a critical result today, with important ramifications for the championship.

Jenson Button: 4
Sergio Perez: 4
McLaren: 1

I've rooted for McLaren ever since I first watched my first grand prix. Through these years, I've experienced the emotional roller-coaster of false hope and despondency that was the development process of the MP4-18. I watched the team's name horribly marred by Spygate and the subsequent disqualification from the constructor's championship. I watched aghast as Lewis Hamilton wrestled a defective car around Melbourne only to find himself knocked out in Q1. In watching a dejected Button and a hapless Perez dragging the car around the circuit only to be beaten soundly by the likes of Force India and Toro Rosso this weekend, I can only say that the experience is more than a little painful, even in comparison to the aforementioned events.

It's become obvious over the past seven races that the "revolutionary" MP4-28 lacks downforce, suffers from a myriad of problems with its balance and ride, in additional to experiencing issues with excessive tire graining and degradation. I'm sure that the engineers at Woking will manage to build the car into a front-runner at the end of the year, but this is one time too many that they've written off their season at the start with a sub-par car. Yes, the absence of testing and the volatility of the tires does complicate off-season development, but the efficacy of McLaren's rivals in building an effective car in spite of the adverse conditions only emphasizes McLaren's failure.

At this point in the season, it's become virtually impossible for McLaren to win neither the Driver's nor the Constructor's championships. I've pinned my hopes on Ferrari and Alonso to deny Red Bull a fourth consecutive double. As of now, I can only hope that McLaren are able to resolve the variety of nebulous, yet fundamental issues that have undermined nearly all of their efforts so far, and that they can return to the front of the grid consistently as soon as possible.

Kimi Raikkonen: 4
Romain Grosjean: 3
Lotus: 3

An uncharacteristically poor performance from Lotus throughout the weekend, with the car simply lacking the pace to challenge the front-runners. Though the mediocre showing following Lotus' evident lack of pace in Monaco might simply be an anomaly, it may be that Lotus' development efforts are beginning to stall with its relatively limited budget. Only time will tell.

Lewis Hamilton: 9
Nico Rosberg: 7
Mercedes: 8

Though I had fears that the Mercedes, with its intractable issues with tire degradation, would produce a result similar to the debacle at Barcelona, Hamilton and Rosberg nonetheless brought in 25 crucial points at the end of the race. Still, for Mercedes to establish itself as a genuine championship contender, it must resolve its tire gremlins as soon as possible.

Nico Hulkenberg: 3
Esteban Gutierrez: 1
Sauber: 1

Sauber's pace this weekend was nothing short of abysmal. There's really not too much more to be said beyond that.

Paul Di Resta: 9
Adrian Sutil: 5
Force India: 8

I'm not exactly a fan of Di Resta, but even I can't detract from what he did this weekend. 57 laps on one set of tires. 57 laps. On one set of tires. It's slightly ridiculous.

His teammate, Adrian Sutil, collected a penalty after ignoring several blue flags and ended up tenth. Still, there's no denying that Force India has built a seriously competent car for this season. They've now extended their lead over McLaren to 14 points.

Pastor Maldonado: 3
Valterri Bottas: 8
Williams: 5

To be honest, I wasn't expecting much more from Williams than 14th and 16th in the dry. Bottas drove exceptionally well defending against the likes of Alonso, but there's only so much the driver can do. I fear that Grove may experience a repetition of the horrors of 2011.

Jean-Eric Vergne: 8
Daniel Ricciardo: 5
Scuderia Toro Rosso: 6

Impressive drive from Jean-Eric, netting the best result of his career this weekend. His teammate was far less spectacular.

Nevertheless, with a third of the season gone, it's evident that the Toro Rosso is a relatively rapid car indeed.

Charles Pic: 5
Giedo Van der Garde: 1
Caterham: 4

Rookie mistake by Van der Garde cost Webber a potential podium finish. Colliding into a front-runner whilst being lapped is absolutely unacceptable.

A quiet race from Pic brings a Caterham home in 18th place.

Jules Bianchi: 6
Max Chilton: 4
Marussia: 5

Bianchi drove well to finish ahead of Pic and his teammate Chilton. No reliability gremlins affected either car during the race, which must be a relief for the team following the lurid litany of failures they've experienced over the past couple of races.
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Onxy Wrecked »

Vettel: 10, class of the field
Webber: 9, only a van Derp Garde collision took a podium from him
Red Bull: 9

Alonso: 8, good hard charging run from 6th to 2nd
Massa: 9, even more impressive given his 16th place start turned into a 8th place finish.
Ferrari: 7, rain in qualifying prevented much better results from them.

Button: 3, just bad and being beaten by the likes of Paul di Resta and Jean-Eric Vergne is shameful.
Perez: 4, outperformed his teammate both in race and qualifying
McLaren: 1, the car is erratic at best and terribly mediocre regardless of weather

Raikkonen: 3, anonymous
Grosjean: 5, somehow didn't crash from starting dead last and managed a finish just 4 positions behind Kimi despite a starting position and qualifying time that would be 9 and 12 positions back respectively.
Lotus: 3, the funding issues come back to haunt them.

Rosberg: 6, merely ordinary today
Hamilton: 8, a gift podium brought to you by Van Derp Garde ramming Webber
Mercedes: 8, are the tire woes behind them now?

Hulkenberg: 5, victim of Van Derp Garde's second crash
Gutierrez Gutierrez: 3, inferior to Hulkenberg before the King of Derp crashed into Hulkenberg and then proceeds to crash himself with a few laps to go.
Sauber: 2, for the number DNFs by crashes produced

Di Resta: 10, how did he stretch tires so far? It's unreal not to mention he went from 17th to 7th
Sutil: 4, mediocre when compared to his teammate's charge through the pack.
Force India: 7, for both average of two rankings and amount of points produced today

Maldonado: 2, almost Marussia bait again
Bottas: 8, qualifying 3rd was great and talent can't lift a car barely better than a low budget Marussia much higher than 14th.
Williams: 1, the car is absolute garbage and only good in a rain. As soon as the sun appears, they're done.

Ricciardo: 2, where did the Ricciardo of a couple races ago well go off to?
Vergne: 8, almost unrejectified and a strong run from a Toro Rosso.
Toro Rosso: 6, as Ricciardo is the deadweight keeping team down today

Pic: 5, finished behind Bianchi on a different lap as in one behind.
Van Derp Garde: 1, he finally derped not once but twice in a race. ROTR candidate number one
Caterham: 4, Bianchi beat them and Van Derp Garde Derped.

Bianchi: 7, back to threatening lagging third tier teams like Sauber and Williams again.
Chilton: 1, last car running and eternally sluggish. He's the Gaston Mazzacane of our times.
Marussia: 6, Bianchi beat the Caterhams and is threatening lagging drivers from the non-backmarker teams again.
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by DOSBoot »

Vettel - 10: One of "those" drives again sadly. Is this guy on crack or something?
Webber - 8: Good drive for once, but Van Der Garde messed it up for him.
Red Bull - 9: Spoiled brats get what they want. :evil:

Alonso - 9: His optomisom payed off brilliantly
Massa - 7: Made up some ground, but penalty hurt him.
Ferrari - 7: Not bad, but needs to shape up.

Button - 2: Terrible.
Perez - 3: Terrible, but a little better.
McLaren - 1: Looking like contenders for ROTY.

Raikkonen - 4: Starting to loose the championship now.
Grosjean - 5: Didn't crash. But slow.
Lotus - 3: I think they can kiss their championship hopes goodbye.

Rosberg - 7: Not bad, but not as good as last race.
Hamilton - 8: Gave "The Finger" a challenge at first, but soon dropped back.
Mercedes - 7: Fall guy is a b**ch isn't it?

Hulkenberg - 6: Was okay until Van Der Garde messed it up.
Gutierrez - 4: Slow, and crashed.
Sauber- 1: Worst race in a long time.

Di Resta - 10: Made the most of his tires to get a good result.
Sutil - 8: A point gained is a point earned.
Force India - 9: Double points finish for the team.

Maldonado - 2: Crashed as usual.
Bottas - 6: Amazing qualifying, but dropped like a rock.
Williams - 5: Showing improvement, but still have a long way to go.

Ricciardo - 3: Blown out of the water by his teammate.
Vergne - 10: Excellent run!
Toro Rosso- 7: Halfway decent.

Pic - 5: Slow, but much better than his teammate.
Van Der Garde - 1: Slower than a rock, and almost took Webber out.
Catherham - 3: Get ride of Garde. He's useless.

Bianchi - 6: Good run for a backmarker.
Chilton - 4: Slow, but finished.
Marussia - 5: Not bad, but could be better.
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by James1978 »

Vettel 10
Webber 8

Alonso 9
Massa 7

Button 5
Perez 6
(Not really their fault the car is terrible)

Raikkonen 4
Grosjean 5

Rosberg 6
Hamilton 8

Hulkenberg 3
Gutierrez 2

Di Resta 9
Sutil 5

Maldonado 3
Bottas 8

Vergne 9
Ricciardo 5

Pic 5
Van Derp Garde 1

Bianchi 7
Chilton 5
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Dj_bereta »

Vettel 9 - Almost perfect, but almost throw your victory in the garbage.
Webber 6 - For me he had some guilty in your incident with Van der Garde. Also, he was beaten by a Ferrari and a Mercedes.

Alonso 8 - Very good race, but Hamilton, Webber and Rosberg had some kind of problem. Also, Ferrari always had a excellent race pace.
Massa 7 - Good Recovery.

Button 4
Perez 5

Raikkonen 5
Grosjean 6

Rosberg 6
Hamilton 8

Hulkenberg 3
Gutierrez 3

Di Resta 9 - Outstanding race
Sutil 7 - Good race

Maldonado 5 - Average
Bottas 7 - Did the possible

Vergne 10 - IIDOTR
Ricciardo 4 - DBTMOTR

Pic 5
Van Der Garde 2 - Despite the crashes, your performance was awful

Bianchi 7
Chilton 6
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by go_Rubens »

pasta_maldonado wrote:Perez - 5 car is crap, hampered by crapness

Thank you for the new sig quote, pasta!

Vettel: 10. Dominant, I hate to say. I'd be much happier if he did hit the wall on lap X when they showed the replay.
Webber: 7. Not the best.
Red Bull: 9. The car is brilliant, the speed they have is phenomenal.

Alonso: 9. Well driven race, no load of bull paddies came out of him.
Massa: 5. Anonymous until the end.
Ferrari: 8. Doing everything they can, really.

Button: 3. Total crap.
Pérez: 4. At least he beat Button.
McLaren: 1. Their car is a sh*tbox, and only getting worse.

Räikkönen: 4. Ran poorly.
Grosjean: 2. Did Riccardo Rosset take over his car?
Lotus: 2. Off the pace surprisingly. The car has turned the opposite direction. I think the curse has begun. Enoch!

Rosberg: 6. Didn't do too bad.
Hamilton: 8. Well done for him.
Mercedes: 7. The tyre wear seems better, but hasn't gone away.

Hülkenberg: 4. Taken out by GVDG.
Guitérrez Guitérrez: 3. Crashed out of pit lane. Sad.
Sauber: 1. Read McLaren.

di Resta: 8. 57 laps on one set of tyres. 'Nuff said.
Sutil: 3. Inconsistent and ill-thought penalty ruined a messy, but quick run.
Force India: 8. Ahead of a crap Woking squad...

Maldonado: 3. Crap car + collision + penalty = horrid afternoon
Bottas: 7. Drove as well as I've seen.
Williams: 0. Read Sauber AND McLaren.

Vergne: 10. Fantastic drive.
Ricciardo: 3. Where are you, mate?
Toro Rosso: 7. Headed in the right direction.

Pic: 6. Meh...
van crap Garde: 0. Crap performance right there...
Caterham: 4. Beat by wonderkid Bianchi.

Bianchi: 6. Beat Caterham fair and square; nearly got Maldonado.
Chilton: 4. Anonymity.
Marussia: 6. Beating Caterham again!
Felipe Baby, Stay Cool

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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Divina_Galica »

Vettel 9 Great from him all weekend
Webber 7 Getting embarassed by VETTELWINSLOL now. Needs to win at Silverstone
(Red Bull 7 - stop moaning about the tyres!!)

Alonso 9 Really on it in the chase of Hamilton
Massa 7 Good solid race , minus 2 for dropping it again
(Ferrari 8)

Button 6 You don't become a bad driver overnight - the car is still poor
Pérez 6 You don't become a good driver overnight - the car is still poor
(McLaren 3)

Räikkönen 6 (anonymous - say no more)
Grosjean 6 - novel solution to 10 place grid penalty, fall out of Q3! Decent race
(Lotus 4- worts weekend of the year for them)

Hamilton 8 okay-ish
Rosberg 7 less than okay-ish
(Mercedes 7 - still the car equivalent of a qualifying tyre)

Hülkenberg 6 - Can't see how vdG got the blame for being chopped by the Hulk.
Gutiérrez 4 - nothing to see, move on
(Sauber 4)

Di Resta 10 Another excellent drive, what could have been with decent qualy?
Sutil 7 Another good drive, what could have been without the self-inflicted adventures?
(Force India 9)

Maldonado 4 huh?
Bottas 8 great in all qualy sessions, shame no points on Saturday
(Williams 3)

Vergne 10 Has JEV cracked it?
Ricciardo 5 Has Dan cracked?
(STR 9)

Pic 7 Okay
Van der Garde 3 Alternates between quite impressive and embarassing
(Caterham 4)

Bianchi 7 Early season sparkle soon being forgotten
Chilton 7 Steady
(Marussia 8)

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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Ed24 »

Vettel 10
Webber 7

Alonso 9
Massa 7

Button 5
Perez 5

Raikkonen 6
Grosjean 5

Rosberg 6
Hamilton 8

Di Resta 8
Sutil 7

Hulkenberg 5
Gutierrez 3

Maldonado 3
Bottas 7

Vergne 9
Ricciardo 5

Pic 6
Van der Garde 2

Bianchi 6
Chilton 5
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by tristan1117 »

Vettel - 10
Webber - 8

Alonso - 8
Massa - 8

Button - 5
Perez - 3

Raikkonen - 4
Grosjean - 3

Hamilton - 7
Rosberg - 6

Hulkenberg - 2
Gutierrez - 2

Di Resta - 8
Sutil - 8

Maldonado - 4
Bottas - 6

Vergne - 10 - A step towards unrejectification
Ricciardo - 3

Pic - 5 - Got it to the finish
VDG - 1

Bianchi - 5 - Meh
Chilton - 5
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

Vettel - 10 (I hate to do that)
Webber - 7

Alonso - 8
Massa - 7

Button - 3
Perez - 4

Raikkonen - 4
Grosjean - 2

Hamilton - 7
Rosberg - 6

Hulkenberg - 3
Gutierrez - 2

Di Resta - 7 (point off for whining)
Sutil - 6

Maldonado - 4
Bottas - 5

Vergne - 9
Ricciardo - 4

Pic - 5
VDG - -416587367412378955469

Bianchi - 5
Chilton - 5
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Zetec »

Guys, his name is van der Garde. Stop giving drivers "funny" names. It's annoying. Really.
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by pi314159 »

Zetec wrote:Guys, his name is van der Garde. Stop giving drivers "funny" names. It's annoying. Really.

In fact, 16 of 19 people who posted ratings called him van der Garde or VDG.
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by RonDenisDeletraz »

Calling him GVDG isn't to be funny, I do it as I can never get the capitalisation on his last name right
aerond wrote:Yes RDD, but we always knew you never had any sort of taste either :P

tommykl wrote:I have a shite car and meme sponsors, but Corrado Fabi will carry me to the promised land with the power of Lionel Richie.
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Zetec »

I'm referring to the people calling him van Derp or van Crap.
GVDG is pretty fine, because it's not insulting.

I think the people calling him derp or crap wouldn't like it to be called Onxy Derp, James1978Derp or go_Rubens crap?

He did silly mistakes, no question about that, but we can still try to keep the level in this forum high and stop insulting drivers who risk their lives to give us every few weeks some entertainment on sunday afternoon to talk about here...
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by takagi_for_the_win »

Zetec wrote:I'm referring to the people calling him van Derp or van Crap.
GVDG is pretty fine, because it's not insulting.

I think the people calling him derp or crap wouldn't like it to be called Onxy Derp, James1978Derp or go_Rubens crap?

He did silly mistakes, no question about that, but we can still try to keep the level in this forum high and stop insulting drivers who risk their lives to give us every few weeks some entertainment on sunday afternoon to talk about here...

Also, this place is F1 Rejects. We're meant to salute the awfulness you get at the back of the grid, not mock it. Thats what normal F1 forums are for :P
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by Julien »

I have that uneasy feeling about Bianchi like I had about Alonso and Webber when they drove in Minardi. I'm sure he could be very good in F1, I'm just not sure if money issues wouldn't cripple his career :?
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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by GwilymJJames »

Vettel - 10
Webber - 8

Alonso - 9
Massa - 7

Button - 5
Perez - 5

Raikkonen - 5
Grosjean - 4

Hamilton - 8
Rosberg - 6

Hulkenberg - 4
Gutierrez - 4

Di Resta - 8
Sutil - 6

Maldonado - 5
Bottas - 5

Vergne - 9
Ricciardo - 5

Pic - 5
VDG - 3

Bianchi - 6
Chilton - 4
WARNING: Vettel fan.

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Re: F1 Rejects Forum Ratings - R7 Canada

Post by QuickYoda41 »


1. Sebastian Vettel 9,50
2. Jean-Eric Vergne 8,90
3. Fernando Alonso 8,85
4. Paul Di Resta 8,15
5. Mark Webber 7,60
6. Lewis Hamilton 7,55
7. Felipe Massa 7,25
8. Valtteri Bottas 6,55
9. Jules Bianchi 6,25
10. Nico Rosberg 6,20
11. Adrian Sutil 5,85
12. Charles Pic 5,30
13. Nico Hülkenberg 4,70
14. Kimi Raikkonen 4,65
15. Sergio Perez 4,55
16. Romain Grosjean 4,50
17. Max Chilton 4,45
18. Daniel Ricciardo 4,25
19. Jenson Button 4,05
20. Pastor Maldonado 3,50
21. Esteban Gutierrez 3,45
22. Giedo van der Garde 1,35

1. Red Bull 8,73
2. Force India 8,00
3. Ferrari 7,55
4. Mercedes 7,00
5. Toro Rosso 6,36
6. Marussia 5.82
7. Williams 3,73
8. Caterham 3,73
9. Lotus 3,36
10. Sauber 2,45
11. McLaren 2,00
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