Especial AGS - AGS Special

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Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by deivison »





Em 1986 a AGS surgiu na Formula 1 após uma Razoavel trajetória na Formula 2 e na Formula 3000, Com o seu primeiro carro feito para correr na Formula 1, o JH21, Mas que causou curiosidade da imprensa e da Formula 1 por ser um carro feito em sua boa parte em Madeira, A Estrutura da Equipe era bastante modesta, no fundo de uma Garagem e feito artesanalmente, Ele correria na Itália e em Portugal com os Motores Motori Moderni e seu piloto seria o Italiano Ivan Capelli. No GP da Itália Capelli classificou em 25º no Treino de Classificação, Na Corrida ele acabou abandonando por problemas de Pneus na Volta de número 31 por causa de um furo de Pneu. Em Portugal novamente classificou em 25º no Grid de largada, Mas problemas de transmissão fizeram Capelli deixar a corrida com apenas 6 voltas disputadas, por causa da Falta de dinheiro para levar seus equipamentos para México e Austrália, A Automobiles Gonfaronnaises Sportives decide não correr as corridas finais e de dedicar seus esforços para a temporada de 1987.



Semanas antes da Estreia do AGS na Formula 1 Didier Pironi Fez testes pelo time Francês, mas não pode correr, Pironi Sentiu que não tinha mais ritmo para ser um piloto de Formula 1.



Em 1987 o Time iria finalmente começar sua primeira temporada completa de Formula 1, Com a probição dos motores Turbo a partir da Temporada de 1989, a AGS trocou os fraquissimos motores Motori Moderni pelos Simples e Funcionais motores Ford DFZ, O piloto seria o Desconhecido Francês Pascal Fabre que teve alguns resultados na Formula 3000.

O Campeonato começa e pelo que se viu o JH22 que era na Verdade o Renault RE40 de 1983 não era pareo aos seus concorrentes mais diretos. (Minardi e Osella). Mas conseguia ser um carro bastante confiavel. Completando todas as 7 primeiras corridas do ano, Mas sempre com várias voltas atrás do Vencedor, mesmo sendo competente para levar o carro até o Final das corridas, Fabri ela muito Lento. Muito lento mesmo, Tanto é que na Segunda metade de temporada a Osella inscreveu um carro e a Coloni inscreveu um carro a AGS não conseguiu Classificação para 3 corridas (Itália,Portugal e México).


Depois disso a AGS dispensou Fabre e Colocou em seu lugar o Brasileiro Roberto Pupo Moreno que fez as duas corridas finais (Japão e Austrália) E ficou bem claro que Moreno era muito mais Rápido que Fabre Tanto é que Moreno no GP da Austráli fez uma brilhante corrida CHegando em 7ºlugar, a 3 Voltas do Vencedor, Só que a equipe comemoraria mais ainda essee Resultado pois Senna foi Declassificado, o seu carro tinha equipamentos fora do Regulamento, isso fez que Moreno ficasse em 6ºlugar marcando o primeiro ponto do time na Formula 1, com isso a AGS fechava o ano em 11ºlugar junto com March e Ligier. Com isso a AGS teria privilégios com o Transporte de seus carros para 88, E chegaria patrocinadores para a proxima temporada por causa desse resultado.



Fonte: ... arte_1.htm

Especial AGS: Parte 2 - Temporadas de 1988 e 1989



Com o ponto conseguido por Moreno na temporada de 1987 a AGS teve mais dinheiro para a temporada de 1988, tudo indicava que Moreno seria o piloto da AGS para 1988, mas acabou que Streiff, saido da Tyrrell e com alguns patrocinadores acabou tomando a Vaga de Roberto Moreno, que mais uma vez colocava só um carro na pista. O novo carro da AGS o JH23 com o Motor Ford Cosworth DFZ aspirado tinha a missão de melhorar o desempenho do ano de 87, ou seja somar mais pontos.


De fato a Temporada da AGS foi muito boa mesmo, seu carro era muito bom para os padrões do time Francês, prova isso que ela classificou para todas as corridas da temporada de 1988, Destacando-se em Mônaco onde ele teve o 12ºlugar no Grid de largada, 10º no Canadá e 11º nos Estados Unidos. Mas o Carro quando começava a a chegar perto dos pontos, a AGS de Streiff terminou apenas 6 corridas, a melhor delas foi em Suzuka fazendo um 8ºlugar e o 9ºlugar em Estoril. Mas os pontos que o time tanto aumejava não vieram e a AGS terminou o ano no 0 de novo, uma pena, pois o carro tinha sim potêncial para pontuar sim em 1988. As esperanças do time estavam voltadas para 1989.


Em 1989 o time queria ter o carro e o desempenho de 88, mas queria esquecer o decepcionantes resultados que teve em 88, para isso a equipe mantem o chassi JH23 que para o time ainda tinha um bom potêncial de corrida para ser tirado dele e a novidade foi a proibição dos motores turbo que deixaria a distância entre as equipes que tiveram motores turbo aos aspirados menor. isso dava esperança de mais pontos para a AGS no ano de 1989 e tambem pela primeira vez desde da criação do time eles teriam dois carros no campeonato como todos os times (Com Exceção da Eurobrun) do campeonato.

Os pilotos seriam Phillipe Streiff e o Alemão Joachim Winkelhock, Seriam por que Phillipe Streiff sofreu um gravissimo acidente que o deixou paralitico. Com isso em Jacarepaguá o time tentou classificação só com Winkelhock, que fracassou nessa tentativa, Agora era que a AGS tinha que tentar substituir Streiff, mas encontrar um piloto a altura de Streiff pelo menos, E eles acharam, e ele se chama Gabriele Tarquini que iria correr pela First, mas por causa da First ter sido reprovado pelo Crash Test da FIA e com isso ele ficaria a pé, mas a partir de Imola ele teria a missão de levar a AGS na Frente, e logo em sua primeira corrida na Frente da AGS ele classifica a AGS na 18ªPosição, e termina a corrida numa otima 7ªPosição, a melhor posição da equipe desde do GP da Austrália de 1987. Em Mônaco as coisas seriam melhores, Tarquini classificou em 13ºlugar no Grid de largada, E Tarquini vinha numa excelente 5ªPosição na corrida e podendo ser o 4ºcolocado até que seria um desempenho expetacular para a AGS, mas um problema eletrico na volta 46 acaba com aquela que poderia ser a melhor corrida da AGS em toda a sua história.


Mas a AGS na corrida seguinte conseguiu o que tanto procurava, marcou um ponto com Tarquini no GP do México, após uma 17ªposição no Grid de largada. A AGS com o 6ºlugar de Tarquini conseguia seu segundo ponto na temporada e tinha esperanças de continuar a disputar as classificações e não ser rebaixada para a pré-classificação. Em Phoenix Tarquini se classificou em 23º e chegou perto de pontuar de novo e ficou em 7ºlugar, O time teve mais duas classificações, No Canadá e na França, mas Tarquini não terminou nenhuma das duas corridas. A AGS já via que o JH23 estava ficando ultrapassado e portanto o time Resolveu colocar o JH24 na pista no GP da Inglaterra, Tambem o time trocou um dos seus pilotos. Winkelhock que se quer classificou para uma qualificação cedeu seu lugar para o Françês Yannick Dalmas que estava na Lola. com Dalmas e o novo carro a AGS deveria ter dado um salto de qualidade, Mas o que se viu que nem sempre um novo carro era sinomino de melhora, pelo contraio o Time teve seu desempenho piorado, e Tanto Tarquini, tanto Dalmas ficaram batalhando e suando, mas nem isso fez com que a AGS passasse nem da Pré-Classificação que a AGS tinha caido devido ao seu desempenho não ter sido suficiente para não rebaixar ela o Pré Qualify. E isso piorou a situação do Time que não correu mais nenhuma corrida da temporada. Se serve de consolo a AGS terminou em 16ºlugar com 1 ponto marcado e com uma lição, em time que se ganha, não se mexe, e em carro que dava certo tambem, O time, uma das peças estava errada e o time fez certo em Trocar, mas o carro a AGS deve see arrepender até hoje de ter feito o JH24, um carro que era pra ser esquecido.


A AGS no final de 1989 o time testou os motors MGN W12, criação de Guy Negre, na pista de Grand Sambuc, o motor se mostrou tão bom que a AGS preferiu ficar com os Ford Cosworth DFR para 1990.


Até depois da manhã eu faço a parte final do especial da AGS

Fonte: ... arte_2.htm
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by f1-gast »

1988 AGS-MGN JH22
W12 engine by Guy Nègre briefly tested in the back of AGS hack.

1991 AGS-Ford JH26
This would be the new AGS for the 1991 season but it never came from the desgining board. Because of a lack of money.
They used the 1990 model for the 1991 season.

1991 AGS-Ford JH27
This car appeared with the Italian GP but it never came through any q(pre)-qualifying the drivers of the JH27 where Tarquini, Barbazza and Grouillard.

There where some rumours back in 1992 that AGS would come back.
This never happend and in the silly season of 1993 there was also some interest from AGS to turn back but never did.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by dinizintheoven »

Enoch! You grab the photos, I'll run the text through Google Translate, bingo! That article I was promising in no time at all.

In my defence, I've been out having a life recently, rather than being permanently camped in front of the internet, but I'm a man of my word and I'll do it.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by Phoenix »

You should write your posts in English rather than in Portuguese, because this is an English-speaking board. Having said that, welcome to this forum! :D
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by DanielPT »

Phoenix wrote:You should write your posts in English rather than in Portuguese, because this is an English-speaking board. Having said that, welcome to this forum! :D

I welcome a few Portuguese posts though! :P

Now, seriously, later tonight I will translate them. No need for ugly google translations.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by Barbazza »

What a great thread! But then I would say that...
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by watka »

DanielPT wrote:
Phoenix wrote:You should write your posts in English rather than in Portuguese, because this is an English-speaking board. Having said that, welcome to this forum! :D

I welcome a few Portuguese posts though! :P

Now, seriously, later tonight I will translate them. No need for ugly google translations.

On behalf of the whole forum, THAT WOULD BE LOVELY JUBBLY!!! :D
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by DanielPT »

Free translation from deivison's post as promised:





In 1986 AGS entered Formula 1, after obtaining reasonable success in Formula 2 and Formula 3000, with its first F1 car, the JH21. This car caused some curiosity in the press due to the fact that it was mostly made of wood. Team structure was pretty modest for that time and so the car was hand made in a shed. It would run in Italy and Portugal with its Motori Moderni engines driven by the Italian Ivan Capelli. In Italy, Capelli was qualified in 25th and in the race he retired after 31 laps with a flat tyre. Portugal wasn't much better also starting 25th but retiring only after 6 laps with a transmission failure. The team then got cash strapped and couldn't afford to transport all the car parts to Mexico and Australia. Following these troubles, AGS decided to not run the final races of the season and concentrate their efforts for 1987.



Weeks before AGS first race in F1, Didier Pironi tested for the French team but he decided not to race. Pironi felt he lacked pace to keep driving in F1.



In 1987 the team would finally do its first complete season on Formula 1. Since the turbo engines would be banned in 1989, AGS swapped the very weak Motori Moderni engines for the simpler and functional Ford DFZ engines. The driver would be the unknown Pascal Fabre who got a few results in Formula 3000.

The championship begins and, from what one could tell, the JH22, which was actually the 1983 Renault RE40, wasn't similar in performance to their most direct competition (Minardi and Osella) but managed to be quite reliable finishing the first 7 races of the season, always lapped a few times. Even though he managed to bring the car home, Fabre turned out to be a very slow driver. Really, really slow. So much so that in the second half of the season, when Osella and Coloni brought only one car, AGS could not qualify for 3 races (Italy, Portugal and Mexico).


After this, AGS released Fabre and brought in his place the Brazilian Roberto Moreno. Moreno did the two final races and showed imediately that he was much faster than Fabre. He managed to do a brilliant race in Australia arriving 7th, three laps down. That result turned out to be 6th after Senna desqualification because his car was outside regulations. In the end Moreno had won AGS first point prompting huge celebrations by the team. That point meant AGS finished the season in 11th together with March and Ligier. With that result, they won the right to free transport in 1988. It also helped to bring new sponsors on board.



Source: ... arte_1.htm

AGS Special: Part 2 - 1988 and 1989 seasons



With that point won in 1987 by Moreno, AGS cash flow improved for 1988. When everything pointed to keep Moreno in the racing seat, Streiff, who had just left Tyrrell along with some sponsors, ended up replacing Roberto Moreno. Once more AGS was a one car operation. Its new car, the JH23, kept the Ford Cosworth DFZ engine and had the mission of improving on 1987 results which meant to score more points.


In fact, AGS was really good that season, with its car being very good for their usual standards. The proof came when they managed to qualify for every single race incluinding 12th at Monaco, 10th at Canada and 11th in the United States. But whenever they got close to the points, the car broke down. Streiff managed to finish only 6 races, being the best of them Suzuka in 8th and Estoril in 9th. The much desired points did not came in the end and AGS finished the season scoreless again, which was a pity since they had the potential to score. All the team hopes were now turned to 1989.


In 1989 the team wanted to have the car and the performance of 88 but forget the disappointing results. In order to do that it kept the JH23 chassis, which they felt it still had room to improve and placed their hopes on the turbo engines ban, which in the meanwhile had became effective, to close the gap to the front of the grid. That gave hope to AGS but also the fact that, for the first time, they presented themselves with a second car for the championship like everyone else (excluiding Eurobrun).

The chosen drivers were Phillipe Streiff and the german Joachim Winkelhock. Unfortunately things got off to a bad start because Phillipe Streiff got seriously injured in a crash which left him paraplegic. That meant the team tried to qualify in Jacarepaguá only with Winkelhock, promptly failing to do so. Now the problem was to replace Streiff with someone as equally capable. So, Gabriele Tarquini was brought in. Tarquini was going to run for First but since they failed the FIA crash test he found himself without a drive until AGS came along and gave him the task of leading them at Imola. Tarquini didn't disappointed and, after qualifying in 18th, managed to finish in a great 7th place, being this the best result for the team since Australia 1987. In Monaco things got even better with the 13th spot on the grid. Unfortunately it was a could have been race for AGS. Tarquini
got himself up to 5th with 4th a distinct possibility only for his car to let him down stopping with electrical problems on lap 46.


But in the next race AGS finally got what they wanted so much by scoring a point with Tarquini in Mexico after starting in 17th. With that 6th place, AGS managed its second point in their history and hoped to keep going straight into qualification and avoiding relegation to pre-qualification. In Phoenix, Tarquini qualified in 23rd and got close to score more points in the race, finishing in 7th. The team managed to qualify for two more races, Canada and France, but Tarquini didn't finish any of those. AGS was noticing that the JH23 was quickly becoming outdated and decided to bring the new JH24 in time for the British GP. AGS also swapped one of its drivers, Winkelhock, who never managed to qualify for a single race, left his place to Yannick Dalmas who was driving for Lola at the time. With Dalmas and the new car AGS should have improved, but having a new car didn't always translated in a step forward and so AGS results got worst. Both Tarquini and Dalmas gave everything they got but not even that made AGS to pre-qualify, having finally been forced to do it after insuficient results. This also worsened the team situation who didn't raced again that season. If one can get some confort, AGS finished 16th in the championship with a single point and a valuable lesson: In a winning team one does not change. And in a car that works one does not change too. AGS must regret until today having made the JH24, a trully forgettable car.


AGS, at the end of 1989, tested the MGN W12 engines, created by Guy Negre, in Grand Sambuc. The engine didn't perform and the team prefered to keep the Cosworth DFR for 1990.


I will do the final part after tomorrow (This is really the final sentence!)

Source: ... arte_2.htm
Last edited by DanielPT on 13 Apr 2011, 10:11, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by dinizintheoven »

DanielPT wrote:Free translation from deivison's post as promised:
AGS must regret until today having made the JH24, a trully forgettable car.

And yet, on their private-hire track in (or near) Gonfaron, they've got a fleet of five modified JH24s that they say are cars for REAL drivers who like manual gearboxes and no driver aids and the like, and mention something about "these cars gave us some of our best results..."

Yer wot? A lengthy string of DNQs followed by finally getting there in its last-ever race in 1990 isn't exactly "some of their best results"!
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by dr-baker »

DanielPT wrote:Free translation from deivison's post as promised:


In 1986 AGS entered Formula 1, after obtaining reasonable success in Formula 2 and Formula 3000, with its first F1 car, the JH21. This car caused some curiosity in
the press due to the fact that it was mostly made in wood.

Really? An F1 car made OF WOOD? Couldn't imagine HRT doing that...
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by DanielPT »

dr-baker wrote:
DanielPT wrote:Free translation from deivison's post as promised:


In 1986 AGS entered Formula 1, after obtaining reasonable success in Formula 2 and Formula 3000, with its first F1 car, the JH21. This car caused some curiosity in
the press due to the fact that it was mostly made in wood.

Really? An F1 car made OF WOOD? Couldn't imagine HRT doing that...

That is what it says of the text. It is probable that HRT could smuggle a part made of wood once or twice :) .

Also, sorry about the English grammar errors. Could someone compile a list and send it by email for me to correct it?
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by f1-gast »

Wood isnt that weird a lot of scale models used wood.
Also now ar days wood is still in racing cars.

And don't forget when you doing your job on the toilet, the toilet paper was also a huge tree before it became some paper to you know :P
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by Paul Hayes »

Very interesting stuff - thank you for posting and translating!

I never knew Pironi had tested for them. Whether he was on the pace or not, he was clearly better off out of it.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by TomWazzleshaw »

f1-gast wrote:Wood isnt that weird a lot of scale models used wood.
Also now ar days wood is still in racing cars.

And don't forget when you doing your job on the toilet, the toilet paper was also a huge tree before it became some paper to you know :P

The 10mm planks used in F1 Cars are made out of wood aren't they?
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by f1-gast »

Wood and magnesium.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by deivison »

Part 3

Parte 3 - Por favor, traduza a Pagina Daniel PT, gostei muito da sua tradução.

Especial AGS: Parte 3 - Temporadas de 1990 e 1991



Depois de 1989 a AGS perdeu muitos patrocinadores e estava em crise financeira, mas mesmo assim continuava na Luta para a temporada de 1990, pra isso manteve a dupla de pilotos: Gabriele Tarquini e Yannick Dalmas, e faz um novo chassi, o JH25 projetado por Michel Costa e mantem os simples e convencionais motores Ford DFR V8, esse seria o conjunto que a AGS confiava para que o time melhorasse e que não fizesse o fiasco da segunda metade de 1989.

Mas começou a temporada já com uma dupla não classificação nos Estados Unidos, No Brasil Dalmas conseguiu largar, em 26ºlugar, mas abandonou a corrida na volta 26, com problemas de suspensão. a partir dai o time fica quatro corridas ainda na pré-qualificação com os dois carros, só conseguindo passar de novo para o Grid de novo em Paul Ricard, na França, com Yannick Dalmas, em 26º lugar, Dalmas conseguiu terminar em 17ºlugar á 5 Voltas do Vencedor.


Tarquini classificaria o carro em Silverstone na 26ªposição no grid de largada, Não completando com problemas de motor na volta 41.

Na segunda parte da temporada a AGS teve uma pequena melhora, isso se deve a Saida da Onxy que brigava pau a pau com a AGS para ver quem poderia largar para as corridas. já que Coloni, EuroBrun e Life eram despersiveis para o nivel da formula 1. SE a AGS pelo menos teve um alento de ter pontuado em 1989, em 1990 nem isso, O time ainda sim classificava com apenas um carro por grid e por vezes não conseguia isso com nenhum dos dois carros. Em Jerez o time conseguiu classificar com 2 carros, Tarquini em 22ºlugar e Dalmas em 23º, e acabaria sendo essa a melhor corrida da AGS no ano, Dalmas completaria a corrida chegando numa respeitada 9ªposição a apenas uma volta do Vencedor.

Mas o ano termina com apenas 9 corridas feitas em 31 corridas em que ela participou e seu melhor resultado foi com o Dalmas na Espanha em 9ºlugar. A AGS não marcou nenhum ponto se quer e isso complicou ainda mais as condições financeiras que já eram delicadas ficaram piores com esse retubante fracasso.



A AGS já em crise financeira muito grave iria para 1991 tentando se reecontrar aos bons momentos de 1988 e parte de 1989, para isso mantem Gabriele Tarquini, E contrata Stefan Johansson para ser o Segundo piloto. Mas o time mantem seu motor Ford DFR V8 e mantem o JH25 mais por falta de dinheiro para fazer um novo Chassi.

Na primeira corrida do Ano em Phoenix Tarquini conseguiu colocar o carro no Grid, largando em 22ºlugar e chegando numa respeitavel 8ªPosição, a 4 voltas do Vencedor da corrida. No GP do Brasil Tarquini conseguie de novo passar para o Grid, na 26ªPosição, infelizmente para a AGS o carro tem problemas na suspensão e nem completou a primeira volta.


Apesar de Johansson não passar do Grid em nenhuma das vezes, a AGS estava otimista, mas em busca de melhores resultados, o time demite Johansson e contrata o italiano Fabrizio Barbazza que vem com algum dinheiro tambem, por que o time estava com problemas financeiros. Apesar da Não classificação para o GP de San Marino, a AGS consegue classificação com o Tarquini de novo para Mônaco, largando em 20ºlugar, tentaria os pontos que escaparam das mãos dele em 1989. Mas esse sonho acabou em 9 voltas, o Câmbio traiou Tarquini que deixou a corrida. Mas a AGS mal sabia que essa seria a últimas vez que eles teriam a chance de correr na corrida. Pois as outras corridas tanto Tarquini, tanto Barbazza não conseguem se classificar para o Grid.


Depois de Silverstone, o time cai para o Pre-qualify e dai ficou impossivel a classificação para a corrida. o Time num Desespero final Lança o JH27 a partir do GP da Itália, o resultado foi que o carro não era muito melhor que o seu antecessor, e continuavam os pilotos não se classificando. Depois do GP de Portugal, Tarquini acaba saindo da AGS para ir a Fondmetal, um time que vinha melhor das pernas do que a AGS, para seu substituto o time contrata o recem demitido da Fondmetal, o Francês, Olivier Grouillard, Mas nada disso mudou. A AGS não participa das últimas corridas da Temporada. A AGS termina a sua trajetória na formula 1 com um Histórico pouco respeitado na Formula 1, mas teve alguns momentos dignos na Formula 1.


Hoje a AGS é uma escola de Cursos de pilotagem para váras catégorias e para várias níveis de pilotagem.

Estatíticas da AGS

Corridas: 124 (Largou em 47 Gps)
Pontos: 2
Melhor posição de Grid de largada: Phillipe Streiff (Canadá) 10º
Melhor Posição de corrida: 6ºlugar (Austrália - 1987 e México de 1989) Com Roberto Moreno e Gabriele Tarquini.
Melhor Classificação do Campeonato: 11ºlugar em 1987

Pilotos que correram no time:

Ivan Capelli (Itália)
Pascal Fabre (França)
Roberto Pupo Moreno (Brasil)
Philippe Streiff (França)
Gabriele Tarquini (Itália)
Joachim Winkelhock (Alemanha)
Yannick Dalmas (França)
Olivier Grouillard (França)
Stefan Johansson (Suécia)
Fabrizio Barbazza (Itália)


Fonte: ... arte_3.htm
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by dr-baker »

deivison wrote:Image

These question marks remind me of this year's HRT...

And Lapidus makes me think of rabbits, having studied French for a number of years...
watka wrote:I find it amusing that whilst you're one of the more openly Christian guys here, you are still first and foremost associated with an eye for the ladies!
dinizintheoven wrote:GOOD CHRISTIANS do not go to jail. EVERYONE ON FORMULA ONE REJECTS should be in jail.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by mario »

f1-gast wrote:Wood and magnesium.

I thought that the metal fastenings used to connect the legality plank to the floor were made from titanium, not magnesium alloy? Technically, I don't think that the material for the fastenings is defined in the regulations, only the area and position of the fasteners are defined.
3.13.2 Fasteners used to attach the skid block to the car must :
a) have a total area no greater than 40000mm² when viewed from directly beneath the car ;
b) be no greater than 2000mm² in area individually when viewed from directly beneath the car ;
c) be fitted in order that their entire lower surfaces are visible from directly beneath the car.
When the skid block is new, ten of the fasteners may be flush with its lower surface but the remainder may be no more than 8mm below the reference plane.

As for the skid block itself, that is, I believe, normally what is called an "engineered wood product", which is a wood and resin composite instead of just plain wood. The reason why I believe this to be the case is the fact that the kid block has to be formed from a homogeneous material, and the specific gravity of the skid block material (which, at 1.3 to 1.45, sounds quite high for natural wood products, but closer to what you'd expect for an engineered wood product).
3.13 Skid block :
3.13.1 Beneath the surface formed by all parts lying on the reference plane, a rectangular skid block, with a
50mm radius (+/-2mm) on each front corner, must be fitted. This skid block may comprise no more than
three pieces, the forward one of which may not be any less than 1000mm in length, but must :
a) extend longitudinally from a point lying 330mm behind the front wheel centre line to the rear wheel
centre line ;
b) be made from an homogeneous material with a specific gravity between 1.3 and 1.45 ;
c) have a width of 300mm with a tolerance of +/- 2mm ;
d) have a thickness of 10mm with a tolerance of +/- 1mm ;
e) have a uniform thickness when new ;
f) have no holes or cut outs other than those necessary to fit the fasteners permitted by 3.13.2 or those holes specifically mentioned in g) below ;
g) have seven precisely placed holes the positions of which are detailed in Drawing 1. In order to establish the conformity of the skid block after use, its thickness will only be measured in the four 50mm diameter holes and the two forward 80mm diameter holes. Four further 10mm diameter holes are permitted provided their sole purpose is to allow access to the bolts which secure the Accident Data Recorder to the survival cell ;
h) be fixed symmetrically about the car centre line in such a way that no air may pass between it and the surface formed by the parts lying on the reference plane.

I'm still a little surprised that they would consider using wood extensively throughout the car though. I would have thought that a wooden structure would not be sufficiently stiff or rigid enough for the purpose of, say, a chassis.
If you were looking for a reasonably cheap and quick way to produce a stiff and strong chassis, I'd have thought that steel, whether bog standard mild steel or high strength steel, would have been a better material to work with. You could still produce a reasonably light part, since the yield strength of even mild steel is quite high; moreover, the FIA had introduced a frontal crash test in 1985, which might have caused problems for wooden components.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by DanielPT »

deivison wrote:Parte 3 - Por favor, traduza a Pagina Daniel PT, gostei muito da sua tradução.

Obrigado, deivison. Assim farei! (Thanks, deivison. I will do so.)

Translation to the 3rd part coming tonight then. :)
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by DanielPT »

Again, free translation from deivison's second post:

Part 3

Special AGS: Part 3 - 1990 and 1991 seasons



After 1989 AGS lost many sponsors and was in deep financial crisis. Even so they pushed on the preparations and kept fighting to be on the grid in 1990. In order to do this they stuck with their pair of drivers: Gabriele Tarquini and Yannick Dalmas. They also produced a whole new chassis, penned by Michel Costa, which was still powered by the Ford DFR V8. AGS trusted that this combination would work avoiding the second half of the 1989 season fiasco.

However the season started with both the drivers failing to qualify in the United States. In Brazil, though, Dalmas managed to start from 26th on the grid only to retire after 26 laps with suspension failure. After these results the team went on four races without managing to pre-qualify ending this drought in Paul Ricard, France. Dalmas, at his home race, started in 26th, again, but this time he finished the race ending in 17th although 5 laps behind the winner.


Tarquini would qualify 26th on the grid in Silverstone, retiring with engine related problems in lap 41.

In the second half of the season AGS had a small improvement in their results because Onyx, who furiously disputed qualification with AGS, folded leaving AGS without serious competition since Coloni, Eurobrun and Life were pretty hopeless taking into account the F1 level. If AGS still had hope of scoring in 1989, in 1990 things were entirely different. The team still managed to qualify for most races with only one car and often couldn't make it altogether. In Jerez they ended up qualifying both cars though with Tarquini in 22th and Dalmas in 23th. That happened to be their best race of the season. Dalmas would finish in a respectful 9th, only a lap behind.

But in the end AGS only did 9 races from a possible 31 (counting both drivers) and the best they could make was a 9th in Spain. AGS didn't even came close to score and that pressured even further their already delicate financial situation.



AGS was already in serious financial crisis and would go into 1991 trying to revive the good moments of 1988 and part of 1989. They still went with Tarquini but hired Stefan Johansson to be the second driver. Nevertheless the team kept the Ford DFR V8 engine and the JH25 chassis due to the lack of money to work on a new one.

In the first race of the year, in Phoenix, Tarquini managed to qualify his car in 22nd finishing the race a respectable 8th, 4 laps behind. In Brazil Tarquini put his AGS again on the grid, this time in 26th. Unfortunately, suspension troubles were already brewing and he did not even completed the first lap.


Even though Johansson never managed to qualify up to that point, AGS was still optimistic and, keeping their quest for better results, sacked Johansson bringing in his place the Italian Fabrizio Barbazza who brought with him some money, easing somewhat the AGS financial burden. After failing to qualify for San Marino, AGS managed to put a car into the grid in Monaco, with Tarquini starting in 20th. His goal was to try and get those points that escaped from his hands in 1989. However that dream ended after 9 laps when the gearbox eventually failed. AGS barely knew that this race would turn out to be their last since both Tarquini and Barbazza failed to qualify in all the other races.


After Silverstone the team was relegated to the dreaded pre-qualification session making it night-on impossible to qualify. In a final effort AGS launches the JH27 right before the Italian GP. It turned out that this new chassis wasn't really a step forward and both pilots were still failing to qualify. After the Portuguese GP, Tarquini took his talent to Fondmetal which had a better car than AGS. To replace Tarquini, AGS picked up Oliver Grouillard who had just got the boot from Fondmetal. Nothing changed though and AGS ended up not participating in the final races of the season, finishing its venture in F1 with a less than respectable record but still having some fine, dignified moments in F1.


Today, AGS is a school for racing drivers of several grades and levels.

AGS Statistics:

Race weekends: 124 (Started in 47)
Points: 2
Best starting position: Phillipe Streiff, 10th (Canada)
Best finishing positing: 6th with Roberto Moreno and Grabriele Tarquini (Australia 1987 and Mexico 1989)
Best championship classification: 11th in 1987

Drivers who raced for the team:

Ivan Capelli (Italy)
Pascal Fabre (France)
Roberto Pupo Moreno (Brazil)
Philippe Streiff (France)
Gabriele Tarquini (Italy)
Joachim Winkelhock (Germany)
Yannick Dalmas (France)
Olivier Grouillard (France)
Stefan Johansson (Sweden)
Fabrizio Barbazza (Italy)


Source: ... arte_3.htm
Last edited by DanielPT on 14 Apr 2011, 09:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by Phoenix »

According to Stats F1, the monocoque of the AGS JH21C was made of carbon fibre I seriously doubt someone would consider doing a F1 car with a wood chassis or whatever.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by shinji »

1999 Arrows?
Better than 'Tour in a suit case' Takagi.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by Paul Hayes »

More excellent stuff! Just one very small translation note. Where you have used "respectful", it ought to be "respectable". "Respectful" means having respect for something, or paying tribute to something - for example, you might say that Ferrari's use of black noses at Monza in 2001 was respectful to those who died in the September 11th attacks. "Respectable" is the word for when something is a good achievement or worthy or at the required standard.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by DanielPT »

shinji wrote:1999 Arrows?

I though so... Oh well... :)

Paul Hayes wrote:More excellent stuff! Just one very small translation note. Where you have used "respectful", it ought to be "respectable". "Respectful" means having respect for something, or paying tribute to something - for example, you might say that Ferrari's use of black noses at Monza in 2001 was respectful to those who died in the September 11th attacks. "Respectable" is the word for when something is a good achievement or worthy or at the required standard.

Duly corrected!
Colin Kolles on F111, 2011 HRT challenger: The car doesn't look too bad; it looks like a modern F1 car.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by David AGS »

Good work. Excellent.
Miserable Thierry (Boutsen) staggers round mostly on ten cylinders (out of 12) with no clutch, low oil pressure, bad brakes and no grip to finish tenth, 3 laps down...

(Murray Walkers review of Boutsen's Brazil 1991 race).

Thats a point these days!
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by eytl »

Love this thread - but yes it belongs better in the Deletraz forum, so I'm moving it there ...
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by aliefbielefeld »

love this thread :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in love with this team since i raced AGS every time in my Racing simulator
its such a shame for AGS really since i remembered in their first race they've only got 5 team members and yet in their 5 years in F1 they've still got 2 points
their passion is what makes them survived 5 years in f1, i mean 5 years isn't short
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by FMecha »

aliefbielefeld wrote:love this thread :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in love with this team since i raced AGS every time in my Racing simulator
its such a shame for AGS really since i remembered in their first race they've only got 5 team members and yet in their 5 years in F1 they've still got 2 points
their passion is what makes them survived 5 years in f1, i mean 5 years isn't short

What a epic bump! :shock:
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by Backmarker »

FMecha wrote:
aliefbielefeld wrote:love this thread :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm in love with this team since i raced AGS every time in my Racing simulator
its such a shame for AGS really since i remembered in their first race they've only got 5 team members and yet in their 5 years in F1 they've still got 2 points
their passion is what makes them survived 5 years in f1, i mean 5 years isn't short

What a epic bump! :shock:

What do you expect? aliefbielefeld is clearly from Bielefeld, which any German-speaking internet user knows doesn't exist. This is just another attempt by SIE to deceive us into believing in Bielefeld's existence.
The Iceman Waiteth
What if Kimi Räikkönen hadn't got his chance in 2001?
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by Klon »

Backmarker wrote:What do you expect? aliefbielefeld is clearly from Bielefeld, which any German-speaking internet user knows doesn't exist. This is just another attempt by SIE to deceive us into believing in Bielefeld's existence.

Psst, do you want SIE to look for us? They might be monitoring this board since I have discovered the truth about Jacques Villeneuve.
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by Backmarker »

Klon wrote:
Backmarker wrote:What do you expect? aliefbielefeld is clearly from Bielefeld, which any German-speaking internet user knows doesn't exist. This is just another attempt by SIE to deceive us into believing in Bielefeld's existence.

Psst, do you want SIE to look for us? They might be monitoring this board since I have discovered the truth about Jacques Villeneuve.

Probably too late, as clearly HWNSNBM is behind SIE. Or leading the resistance against SIE. Probably both.
The Iceman Waiteth
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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by Verde »

Lovely team, possibly the last garage Formula One team ever. Created by a mechanic born in little Gonfaron that used to build motorsport cars while made money mending road cars. In the first complete year, 1987, they had employed nothing less than just nine people! Things improved in the following years and they had something around 60 employees in the last seasons.

Their outstanding breakthrough happened in 1988, when they had late Christian van der Pleyn designing a good and beautiful JH23 which allowed Philippe Streiff drive in the mid-pack and revolve points in the Canadian Grand Prix. This JH23 was updated to a B version in the first races of the 1989 season (while JH24 wasn't ready for action) and Gabriele Tarquini scored a welcome point in Mexico and came very close to it in Monaco (broke down while running 5th), Phoenix (retired on the very last lap and lost his sole point to Thierry Boutsen) and Imola (inherited 6th place after Boutsen and Caffi were disqualified, but lost it after stewards' decision was reviewed). Had he scored all those points, he would have finished a superb 15th in the Drivers' Championship, tied with Johnny Herbert and Pierluigi Martini!

But surely they had big problems, most of them related to either money of politics. I interviewed Roberto Moreno in January and he said one of the worst people he ever met was François Guerre-Berthelot, former driver and one of the AGS owners in 1987 and 1988. According to Moreno, an awful person and also a deadbeat: in the 1988 Brazilian Grand Prix, Guerre-Berthelot was chased by Moreno's attorneys who asked for the late money he owed. I don't like Cyril de Rouvre as well. The team would be much healthier if it had remained in Henri Julien's hands even though money was somewhat short for him.

My second favorite french team, just behind Prost Grand Prix.

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Re: Especial AGS - AGS Special

Post by David AGS »

Very interesting.

Sadly, little is known about Christian van der Pleyn.

The only thing we know is that he worked at AGS, Coloni, Fondmetal and Dallara, before his passing away.
Miserable Thierry (Boutsen) staggers round mostly on ten cylinders (out of 12) with no clutch, low oil pressure, bad brakes and no grip to finish tenth, 3 laps down...

(Murray Walkers review of Boutsen's Brazil 1991 race).

Thats a point these days!
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